GMAT Official Guide 2021 Verbal Sentence Correction
Because of the sharp increases in the price of gold and silver, the value of Monica Taylor’s portfolio rose as her daughter-in-law’s dropped. (OG19 V 254)
A as her daughter-in-law’s dropped
B while her daughter-in-law’s has dropped
C as there was a drop in her daughter-in-law’s
D while that of her daughter-in-law’s dropped
E as it dropped for her daughter-in-law’s
- as表达了什么意思?同时发生?因果关系?都不行; while表意更准确,这里边有个对比:MT和他儿媳妇两个人都买了贵金属,一个是正向,一个是反向;这里边为什么一定要有对比?因为一句话里把意思相同且句式相近的话说了两遍,仅仅变化了一下动作发出者, 所以如果仅仅是顺带着说一句,“还有这么回事儿”,那听众根本没必要知道第二个信息; 对比的关系抬高了第二条信息的价值
- B错在哪儿? B照顾了对比也照顾了平行,但是平行对等地不彻底,照顾到了MT‘s portfolio, 没有照顾到 the value of; the value of 和谁对应? 和that of 对应;
为什么一定要带出来,原则上不是说“平行结构后边的内容决定前边”吗?确实是这样,但是仔细想一下,划线前边说的是什么? Value of portfolio; B选线已经把portfolio省略了,the value of是不能省的;你没说的话,不要默认读者知道;