CSC V1补充练习题第22 & 23题
An investor purchased 1200 shares of SYZ security at a price of $1.80 per share. What’s the margin required?
What’s the percentage of the margin requirement?
对应以下long position图表来找比例 (这道题是要对应这张表来看的)
On listed equities selling
Maximum loan value
At $2.00 and over
50% of market value
At $1.75 to $1.99
40% of market value
At $1.50 to $1.74
20% of market value
Under $1.50
No loan value
Securities eligible for reduced margin
70% of market value
这道题每个secruity价格为1.8在1.75-1.99之间, 所以maximum loan 是40%
1200*1.8=2160 (total cost), 2160*40%=864 (maximum loan),2160-864=1296 (margin requires也就是自己要付的钱)
How about the Q23? If the shares in Q22 subsequently increase in price to $2.05, what will happen to the client's margin position?