问题列表 › 标签: 语法筛选:所有打开已解决已关闭未回答顺序:查看回答投票【GMAT句子改错】Around 1900, fishermen in the Chesapeake Bay area landed more than seventeen million pounds of shad in a single year, but by 1920, overfishing and the proliferation of milldams and culverts that have blocked shad migrations up their spawning streams had reduced landings to less than four million pounds.已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2075个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT Sentence Correction】While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course.已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2062个查看1个回答0个投票GMAT语法 Less than 400 Sumatran rhinos survive on the Malay peninsula and on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, and they occupy a small fraction of the species former range.已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT1914个查看1个回答0个投票GMAT Verbal Sentence Correction语法改错的问题已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2077个查看1个回答0个投票GMAT Official Guide 2021 Verbal Sentence Correction已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT1153个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT】Official Guide 2019 Verbal 248已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT1995个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT】Since 1992, in an attempt to build up the Atlantic salmon population in each of the seven rivers in which salmon still spawn, state officials in Maine have stocked them with fry raised in hatcheries from eggs produced by wild fish found in that particular river. 已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2166个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT语法】As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as the solar wind.已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2436个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT语法】Tropical bats play an important role in the rainforest ecosystem, aiding in the dispersal of cashew, date, and fig seeds; pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly help the producing of tequila by pollinating agave plants.已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2088个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT】The World Wildlife Fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human beings’ burning of fossil fuels, will create havoc among migratory birds by harming their habitats as a result of altering the environment已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2208个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT】 语法改错的问题已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2076个查看1个回答0个投票【GMAT】 语法改错的问题已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2159个查看1个回答0个投票GMAT Official Guide Sentence Correction, OG2019 Verbal已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT1074个查看1个回答0个投票老师好,GMAT的Official Guide里面遇到这样一个Sentence Correction的问题,我看了答案也没理解。已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT2034个查看1个回答0个投票请教一个语法问题,为什么B和C不能选?已回答tian, andy 已回答 5年之前 • GMAT1934个查看1个回答0个投票