Chapter 3 作业 第11 题答案与CSC官网不同,求解答
您好, 我在做chapter 3 作业第11 题时, 发现是CSI 官网online learning 的Quiz原题, 当时我选的 A ,他给出的结果是错误, 说正确答案应该是D. Each province and territory,但是我在做我们作业时选择了D,我们这边给出的正确答案应该选A, 所以我现在比较迷茫到底哪个是对的,确认过问题一模一样,这个是CSI 官网给的解释:“
The correct answer is:
D. Each province and territory
The securities industry in Canada is regulated by the provinces and territories. In several provinces, the day-to-day regulation is delegated to Securities Commissions. In other provinces, securities regulators are appointed by the province. ”
我这里有CSI quiz的截图和解答,如果需要可以发给您,我现在不知道这道题到底应该选哪个了,希望帮忙看下,谢谢