CSC V1 Chapter 10 课后作业第7题
第7 题题干要求选的是“with little cost”, 我选的B Warrant 但是显示正确答案是A Right,可是教材中写的是“ There is no cost for shareholders to acquire these rights.”, 能不能麻烦解释下为什么选A, 谢谢
A right is a privilege granted to an existing shareholder to acquire additional shares directly from the issuing
company. There is no cost for shareholders to acquire these rights.
以上为原文概念,首先不能是warrants因为warrants可以给existing and non-existing holder,关于cost的问题,这道题的主语是acquire shares from issuers with little cost 不是acquire right with little cost. right 是不用花钱的,但是exercise rights 时要花钱去购买shares,并且买入价格一般低于市场价格,所以是little cost