CSC V2 Chapter 21作业
Q8: 什么叫downside risk?
Q12: 怎么知道哪一个最liquid呢?
Q14: 我选的A which 是Due Diligence process里面的2步,为什么是C呢?里面没有investment manager & fund’s strategy
Q8:downside risk指的是某资产的发生极端亏损的可能性比正态分布描述的可能性更大。
Q12:可转债的流动性较差,新兴市场的股票的流动性肯定比发达市场股票差,卖空也会受到监管机构的限制,相对而言,global macro的流动性较好,比如:外汇 市场。
Q14:原版书P407有原文,“In September 2018, the Canadian branch of the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) published AIMA Due Diligence Considerations for Retail Investment Advisors. The publication provides a list of the top due diligence questions for retail investment advisors to use
when considering investment in hedge funds and liquid alternatives. This document categorized questions about the investment manager and the fund’s strategy.”